Home & Garden
Complete Guide on How to Keep a Compost Pile Hot and it's Benefits
Have you ever heard about temperature in compost? Did you know that there's a cold compost and a hot composting method? But, how to keep a compost pile hot?
Have you ever heard about temperature in compost? Did you know that there's a cold compost and a hot composting method? But, how to keep a compost pile hot?
Have you ever wondered what that white substance on your compost pile is? It’s quite normal that you get to see this. They are mushrooms. Yes, mushrooms growing in your compost bin!
Composting is easy but sometimes it can be a little tricky, causing your compost to be too dry. However, it has a solution! Take a look at the most common reasons for compost’s dryness and how to fix it.
Has your compost already started to smell and attract unwanted pests? Read this article to learn how to balance your compost so it doesn't stink!
A compost begginer? First thing to know is that compost should be balanced. Read this article to know if your compost is too wet and what to do about it.
When and why do fruit flies appear? What Can I do about it? 5 easy-to follow- tips and tricks to shoo these pests away once and for all.
Most common compost problems, which are the causes and everything you need to know to solve each of them! One key tip: the perfect compost ratio.