Vegetables and fruits compose a plant based diet. Every day many people changes their regular lifestyle and become vegan or vegetarian. What is the difference between them? Vegans don´t consume food derived from animals: including dairy products and eggs. While vegetarians eat diary products and eggs apart from veggies, fruits, grains and nuts. Vegan Food reduces the risk of having chronic diseases, grants you a better heart health and lowers cancer risk.
Find recipes for vegan food and recipes for vegetarian in this article. Be ready to read about vegan food and its multiple benefits: change your lifestyle and gain years of life!
Tips to know before becoming Vegan or Vegetarian
First, you need to get your blood labs done and then take them to your doctor. Some of the things you should take into account to do recipes for vegan food are:
- Vitamin B12: It is one of the most important vitamins in our body. It participates in the functioning of the brain and the nervous system. The lack of vitamin B12 could cause irreversible damage. Apart from absorbing it from veggies you should take vitamin B12 in pills.
- Calcium: It is a mineral essential for the body.The body needs it to keep your bones strong. Cooking recipes for vegan food requires knowledge of these things. Besides, your muscles, heart and nerves use calcium to work properly. Where can you find it? In green vegetables, beans and legumes.
- Folic acid: It is one of the vitamins B found in our bodies. What is its role? Well, it helps with the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen inside the body. Recipes for vegan food: be careful because lacking folic acid results in anemia. Some of its symptoms are tiredness and muscle weakness.
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Now it is Time to Discover some Incredible Vegan Recipes to Enrich your Daily Diet:
- Vegan Smoothies Recipes:
Mmmmmm, vegan smoothies are delicious. The good thing about vegetables is the variety available. There are more than ten different options to prepare magnific vegan smoothies. They give nutrients and antioxidants to our bodies. A good combination to prepare at home is strawberry and pineapple: perfect recipes for vegan food. The two flavors together clean your stomach in a minute. Prepare other recipes :)
- Vegan Cookies Recipes:
Who does not like vegan cookies? Everyone does! With just some legumes left on the fridge plus sweet natural ingredients like peanut butter and pear you can create incredible vegan cookies. Recipes for vegan food: include ingredients high in protein and fiber to properly nourish your body cells. Kids love chocolate so a good idea is adding cocoa to the recipe. The result will be outstanding!
- Vegan Candies Recipes:
Finding vegan candies is not an easy task. With the vegan era there are new products almost every day. That is the case of coconut milk caramels! Great allies to do recipes for vegan food. They are made with organic sugar, coconut mill and more. Another easy thing to prepare is oatmeal dark chocolate. Perfect to eat at work breaks or after having lunch. Pssssst share it with your friend!
- Vegan Pasta Recipes:
Cooking pasta is one of my favorite things to do in life. There is a wide variety of pasta to try: spaghetti, ravioli, gnocchi and more. How can you cook vegan pasta? Make an incredible sauce for your spaghetti made of legumes. Follow this recipe for vegan food: mix three tomatoes, one onion, garlic and spices. Just mix everything before your vegan pasta boils and then throw it into a pan with the sauce. In five minutes you can have gourmet pasta at home :)
- Vegan Low Carb Food Recipes:
When you are feeling bloated and full of food it is time to try some low carb vegan recipes at home. A versatile ingredient to use is tofu. Create incredible recipes for vegan food. Mix it with green veggies like lettuce and avocado, add some tasty spices and cook it in the pan with few oil. To give a twist to the recipe you can add boiled rice with curry. Once you start cooking with curry, you can´t stop! Feel light and healthy with these low carb vegan recipes.
- Vegan Desserts Recipes:
Is a good meal complete without a delicious dessert? Of course not! Vegan desserts are hard to find in restaurants, which does not mean they don´t exist. All you need is being creative and choosing good quality ingredients. My family´s favorite dessert is peanut butter cookie bars: use avena, chocolate and peanut butter. Mix everything and create balls that will later become cookies: delicious recipes for a vegan food. What is left to do is baking them in the oven during 25 minutes. Leave in comments what is your favorite vegan dessert.
Benefits of a Vegetarian and a Vegan Food
Everyone always talk about the downsides of following a vegetarian diet instead of highlighting their benefits. It is easier to say that being a vegetarian is more expensive than being an omnivore or that vegetarian people starve themselves all day. We are here to destroy those myths with facts.
- Being a vegetarian reduces the chance to have cancer in your life. More specifically, the chances to have colon or liver cancer are strongly reduces. That can be easily explained by thinking that our microbiota will be full of good bacteria due to the variety of vegetables and fruit that we (vegetarian) regularly eat.
- Most vegetarians also have a life free of processed food. Processed food, according to the USDA, is "any raw agricultural commodity that has been subject to washing, cleaning, milling, cutting, chopping, heating, pasteurizing, blanching, cooking, canning, freezing, drying, dehydrating, mixing, packaging or other procedures". Within the list of the worst processed food on earth we can find: hot dogs, chicken nuggets, artificial sweeteners, fake cheese and coke. Recipes for a vegan food are free from processed food.
- Living a life without eating processed food or with a low level of processed food has incredible benefits. One of them is that the risk to have diabetes is enormously reduces. That is because processed food is full of high levels of sugar. Besides, you will lose weight, age slower and have better hair. A fantastic book to read when starting the free processed food journey is “21 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Stop Eating Processed Food".
- A recent study has demonstrated that people who follow a plant based diet have a lower risk of developing severe COVID-19. The explanation is associated to food. As I mentioned before, having a healthy microbiota is key to our body. Recipes for vegan food are full of fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals and nuts that feed the bacteria of the microbiota. A healthy gut results in a strong immune system, the one responsible to defend us from external invaders.
- A vegetarian diets helps you to reduce your cholesterol levels. A plant based diet is high in fiber and low in saturated fat and total fat. It is important to consult a nutritionist before making this huge change in your life. She will give you tons of recipes for vegan food to practice at home and will guide you in this incredible path.
- A vegetarian diet increases your lifespan! Do you want to live longer? Then this can be a good thing to start doing. There are multiple recipes for vegan food to cook delicious food. If you consume vegetables and fruits and not processed food all day, your body will be free of chemicals and toxin. Drinking fruit juices made with water or almond milk clean your body.
- Reduces bloating: consuming vegetables stimulates your organism and reduces bloating. I used to suffer from bloating in high school and after meeting a friend who turned out to be vegetarian my life changed. I started to read more about the connection between the food we give to our body and our emotions. Did you know that our stomach is our second brain? There are scientists who are investigating more about it. There is so much to discover! Nature is exceptional: it has all we need to live a healthy and long life. We need to learn to take care of the environment and the natural resources.
TIP: I recommend doing meal prep on Sundays with your family so that you have food to eat during the week. Knowing what to eat helps you with your organization. I do meal prep at home and cook veggies and store them in the freezer. When I want to make a special dish all I need to do is open the freezer and heat it on the oven ;)
I hope that you can learn many vegan and vegetarian recipes in this review. Being a vegetarian is still a myth in some places so the more you talk about it the better the planet will be. It seems hard at first to stop consuming animals and change your diet completely.
The good thing is that when you start feeling better and lighter you will love the change. Start cooking delicious and healthy food and everything will change in your life. Tell us which recipe is your favorite one!
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